Tuesday, April 29, 2014

We're Married!!!!

Well, we've been married for a little over two weeks now. School's back in swing, I'm back at work, and things are going well. For the most part anyways, haha. For example, the door to the van came off its tracks yesterday after we went grocery shopping and Ethan spent the majority of today trying to get it back together. What a sport! I had some hiccups with courses and trying to figure out what degree I will be graduating with (don't ask questions about it right now... I don't have answers... just waiting for the school to get back to me on some things and then I'll probably make a post about it to keep everyone updated.) We ended up buying a Windows computer from another student because half of the programs I have to work with for my classes are only Windows compatible. I'll have to let you know how I'm liking the computer in a few days. I've only had it a few hours with even less time to play with it. (BUT I'm typing on it now!)

Anyways, you're probably all dying to know what our apartment looks like... well, you'll have to wait a little longer. We have set all the big things up and put things where we want them. We just need to organize and clean now. (And currently our kitchen is a HUGE mess because I had to make dinner and then run to work... almost literally.) Our living room is full of boxes. Normally I would hate that, but considering they're the boxes from all of our wedding gifts, I honestly can't complain. However, I'm excited to have the living room floor clean eventually, haha. We have yet to get a moment to work on Thank You notes, so please bear with us. I keep making it an FHE activity, but something has always come up. We'll get to them, I promise!

But yeah, just wanted to let everyone know that we're alive and doing well and working on adjusting to being married. I'll be back when I have more time to post.

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